Research database and terraforming

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Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

The research database quite clearly shows the techtree and also explains buildings and ships. Additionally there are special techs which can be studied which can do things like modify the range of ships or speed of ships or costs of ships as well.

Then certain minor races have their own techtrees to similarly create buildings and ships. Then you only create that infrastructure on that minor race's homesector. Depending on their stage of development, then in the diplomacy info screen, it shows various minor race buildings and ship types. Even after subjugating them, you still can use that specialized tech,but only in that homesector.

However there does not seem to be a good explanation of terraforming planets within a sector. Some planets may occasionally have green text colored planets indicating that terraforming is possible. Some sectors have multiple type "M" planets.

I have noticed some non-M class planets controlled by minor races. I'm curious if these can actually be invaded and then terraformed?

In say GalCiv2, you could adjust the class of a planet through terraforming as well as even raise the maximum "size". The latter "size" seems to affect the maximum number of billions which can inhabit the planet.

So far there is no mention of changing say a L class planet to a M class.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »
(15.18 KiB) 309-mal heruntergeladen
After poking around within the Android apk and extracting the contents, I then zipped up the main techtree and the special techtree so players could see them.

The limited manual points out that certain resources are found based on the class of the planet. Meanwhile within the BotE engine's apk (Android format) for the techtree points out that certain tech addresses various kinds of planets but there isn't documentation which clearly aligns the two game concepts.
Class M has all resources
Class O has deuterium
Class L has titanium and deuterium
Biotech represents sophistication in life sciences such as Biology or Physiology, but also Geology, Meteorology, and other planetary sciences. Terraforming and farm production are affected by this field of technology.
In GalCiv2 final version, some races could only terraform some kinds of planets initially which is an interesting starting limitation for future versions or for modding that could serve as a balancing attribute for alternative races.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Planets within sectors are designated with colors.
The M class planet can be colonized and is designated green.
Various planets get automatically populated within the system/sector and they are pale green.
Some planets are blue and cannotbe terraformed (as yet) in the midgame.
Some planets are red and these can be terraformed by clicking on the colony ships and then multiturn and then terraform and then click on a planet that has this red designator. The system will indicate how many turns are necessary to terraform it, and then at the beginning of a new turn, when the terraform is complete, a message will update. Then double click that text to go to the appropriate system/sector and then do it until there are no more planets to terraform.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Here are four examples of terraforming,either showing the many color designators, or showing pale green ancillary auto-colonized planets based on migration spilling over or showing a planet with a percentage in yellow indicating how much has been terraformed, versus showing blue designations of planets that cannot be currently terraformed and colonized.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Each planet has a level with M having an earth like class and maximal resources (discussed previously). You might invade a system which has an ocean world though and so there may be no M class planet to colonize.

You can hold down on tablets on planets and get reports on their class on the right or when terraforming and doing so get a report on the left indicating what kind of terraforming is currently undertaken.
The Prijipati system/sector has several class planets and Prijipati 2 is a K class planet (with a red designator that has not been terraformed yet. It requires 4 points of terraforming and then can host a maximum of 3.5 billion. Note the resources that are available with icons.
Arcturus 4 is a Q class planet that is 66% completed and that will be terraformed in 2 more turns. Then will host a maximum of 9.6 billion.

Upon being terraformed, these change from their original red designator to a yellow designator and then a pale green. Migration then automatically populates the terraformed planet. You don't need a colony ship to land and colonize. Rather you look for another planet to terraform or a new fresh system to colonize.

A diplomacy trick is to use your colony ships to terraform a minor race's planets which improves their relationship through your altruism. The Cardassians would likely feel doing so was a waste of time as the minor race is inferior. Klingons might feel it would merely increase their population when conquest is preferable and honorable. The Federation claims the Prime Directive (then consistently violates this every freaking episode unless wanting to be preachy) but might chose this beneficence as a peaceful diplomatic gesture to eventually allow them membership.

The Ferengi might quote Rule of Acquisition #9
Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
...and make a case that it creates more consumers who waste their money on baubles and Dabo gambling and holosuites.

The Dominion would see it a hollow act unless that race could be ultimately exploited to help the Founders to thrive. Who knows what motivates the inscrutable Romulans? Maybe they would just terraform to ultimately have more buildings to sabotage?

You can use multiple colony ships to hasten the terraforming process too.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

While you can elect to terraform, in a well developed sector with many ready planets, you can expect natural migration to those terraformed planets and or actually colonize them. Be careful doing so. If it works, you have a powehouse sector that can generate huge amounts of money, research, ships, troops, resources, whatever.

As it gets later in the game, I guess for game balance, on the easy level, the planets are not bare but have some infrastructure. It's important to get in the habit of pressing the structure button so you can decide what to it may already be quite balanced.

If you err and colonize a sector that already has been colonized, yet have not built up farms and with adequate storage, then you just induced a famine and will be scrambling to cope. It's safer to only colonize once and really there are few sectors with many planets. Often you will find strange impractical sectors. Maybe those will make good outposts? Recall that using the transport ships, you can haul resources as well as troops so you could make a cache on a gas giant as a kind of bank, then as thing progress than grab those deposits and place them where they are needed.

Guess the estimated number of planets in the Milky Way? 100,000,000,000. Rather a large number no?

Guess how many estimated habitable planets are in the Milky Way galaxy? Astronomers think there are 40 billion but only 10 billion with a similar yellow-orange main sequence white dwarf star (GV2).

Humans are on an insignificant minor spiral arm of the galaxy and literally are the hicks of the Milky Way.

When I built the map for a Star Trek submod, then I created 21 planets in every sector of various kinds but all could be terraformed. A sector is not a solar system. It's representative of a section of the galactic map of relevant stellar cartography and thus only what is notable is on the map.

Thus while the Milky Way galaxy has 100 billion planets, likely the map would show 10-40 billion plus spatial anomalies because it would be nigh impossible to record them all and many would be so impractical. And that doesn't include myriad perhaps innumerable moons.
Zuletzt geändert von UesugiKenshin am Sonntag 5. April 2020, 08:03, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Not accounting for leap year, there are 365 days a year times 24 hours times 60 minutes times 60 seconds and that equals 33,638,400 seconds per year. If you could count perfectly and not stopping for rest, it would take 2,972 years just to count to 100 billion at a speed of one interger a second.

Maybe the number for habitable planets needs to be at least double for scaling. You need some space and variances for game balance, but there would be a phenomenal number...just mind boggling in scope.

Which is why in reality that space is beyond our comprehension and so little of the Milky Way galaxy would actually be mapped by say the time period of STTNG 2364 AD. They would just vaguely know the important shipping lanes to travel the fast way from the main hubs.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
Beiträge: 3561
Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Here is an example of a Star Trek sector. Note how many solar systems are within it and then realize it's in 4-D space-time too (or 3D space within the realm of time).

That is why the total amount of habitable planets could be 10-20 times the number and even that would be underestimating with the scaling.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
Beiträge: 3561
Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

I think it would be useful to make a list of every planet type by class as a reference somewhere. In the mad rush to terraform everywhere, it just become as hurdle to overcome when the planets themseves are beautiful diverse like a glaciated one, or a rogue planet ie one that got captured into the sector by the gravitational pull of a star and then became locked into orbit based on complex celestial mechanics. Some are standard prograde and some have retrograde orbits. ... ade_motion

A prograde planet or moon rotates in the same direction as the star it orbits and in our case the sun which is Sol a variety of white dwarf star.

A retrograde planet rotates opposite the primary star it orbits. Or seems to. Thatdrove ancient astronomers crazy as it seems like the planet travels in a curly cue at times, a spiral while then generally moving in an eliptical orbit around the sun.

Right now the Klingons can terraform the bulk of planets but cannot directly colonize any but type M planets.

Take Mars for example. That is a type K planet. The Klingons can terraform a type K planet but not directly colonize it, plausibly as they need to resources from one type M likely water to begin the process of terraforming.
The total surface area of the sphere that makes up a planet seems to determine the plausible population it can support. Area equals 4πr^2.

In Star Trek, the quasi-scientific back story is called technobabble. I don't think BotE explains how they overcome higher than Earth-like gravity. This would cause wild adaptation that most generally adversely affects human skeletons and bone remodeling, a process requiring osteoblasts, osteocytes, amd osteoclasts to every single day tear down, maintain, and grow new bone. The analogy would what construction workers do when tearing down and rebuilding scaffolding to do a project.

So way back in the seventies, science fiction writers discussed how some living on a high G planet would then end up with a very dense skeleton with severe hypertrophy of their muscles, thus would be Supermen. Others would be crushed like washed ashore jellyfish if they tried leaving their planet and living on the Earth. Such things then plausibly could explain advanced troops and or genetic advancement required for colonization.

Likewise in the seventies, they discvered that supersaturated oxygen in fluid could allow divers someday to breathe underwater. They experimented with rats doing this.
They then used that in a scene in the scifi film The Abyss. Similarly terraforming might someday dosomething similar to human.colonists on a water world.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
Beiträge: 3561
Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

This is good to know information on planet classes and type but was buried in the stringtable. Then if I find it, I will list the specific bonus icons that indicate what ore/crystals are there. This is valueable when conducting trade as otherwise you just are randomly setting up trade routes with major and minor races.

[CLASS_A_INFO] Small, young worlds with surfaces that are usually molten with possible volcanic activity. Atmospheres, if any, would be very thin. This is similar to the moon Io.

[CLASS_B_INFO] Young planets that are larger than Class A. They have partially molten surfaces and active volcanoes. Atmospheres, if any, are very thin. In our real solar system Mercury may be considered a Class B planet.

[CLASS_C_INFO] Young planets that are geologically inactive, (hence their name), and may be covered in ice and / or frozen gases. In our real solar system Pluto could be considered a Class C planet.

[CLASS_E_INFO] Small, young and volcanically active worlds still in the process of forming. Their surfaces are largely molten.

[CLASS_F_INFO] Very young worlds with volcanically active surfaces with heavy metallic cores rich in ores and minerals making them valuable to mining conglomerates. If any life develops it may be silicon-based.

[CLASS_G_INFO] Young, but large worlds, with surfaces that are still solidifying. Their atmospheres may contain carbon dioxide and other toxic gases. If there is any life present it would be limited to primitive single-celled organisms.

[CLASS_H_INFO] Desert worlds with barren surfaces that are either hot and arid, (if in close orbit of the parent star) or covered with icy tundra if in a more distant orbit. Life forms developing on such a world would have to be resilient to either extreme hot or cold temperatures and if the planet is close to the star, resistant to solar radiation.

[CLASS_I_INFO] Gas Supergiants, over 140,000 km in diameter. They are comprised almost entirely hydrogen and helium, but may contain water vapor as well. They may contain a solid metallic mass core and radiate heat. They can have hundreds of moons and also water ice rings. Many extrasolar planets discovered in real life could be classified as Class I Supergiants.

[CLASS_J_INFO] Gas Giants less than 140,000 km in diameter. They are mainly comprised of hydrogen and helium gases and could have a solid rocky or metallic core. They can have many moons as well as water ice rings. In real life, Jupiter and Saturn could be Class J planets.

[CLASS_K_INFO] Rocky and bars with little, if any, surface water. Their atmospheres are thin, and mostly comprise carbon dioxide. Life forms, if any, are limited to single-celled organisms and algae. They are "adaptable" because through terraforming they are suitable for human colonization. In real life, Mars could be considered a Class K planet.

[CLASS_L_INFO] Rocky, barren surfaces with little water. Their atmospheres are mainly oxygen and argon with a high concentrations of carbon dioxide. Life forms, if any, would be limited to simple plant life. Class L planets are suitable for human colonization with some terraforming.

[CLASS_M_INFO] Always located in the ecological region of a star where they are provided enough warmth and energy to develop and sustain carbon-based life. Their surfaces comprises a thin tectonic layer floating on a molten rock mantle and they usually have many active volcanoes. Most importantly, they have plenty of liquid water necessary for life to exist. Their atmospheres contain oxygen and nitrogen with other gas traces. Life forms are almost always present, often flourishing as extensive plant and animal life.

[CLASS_N_INFO] Ingots and rocky with extremely high surface temperatures caused by an intense greenhouse effect. Their atmospheres are extremely dense comprising mainly carbon dioxide and corrosive sulfides. Sometimes water vapor is present. Life would be limited to single-celled organisms living in the upper layers of atmosphere. In our real solar system, Venus could be a Class N planet. Some Class N planets may also fall into Class X, Y, or Z Demon planets, especially if a bizarre form of life exists on them.

[CLASS_O_INFO] Similar to Class M worlds but over 80% of their surface is covered in water. Life forms would mainly be aquatic in nature.

[CLASS_P_INFO] Similar to Class O water planets with an abundance of surface water, however almost all of it is locked in frozen ice. Liquid water may be present under the ice but at extreme depths. Any life developing on the surface would have to adapt to extremely frigid conditions. In real life, the Jovian moons Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede could be considered Class P planets.

[CLASS_Q_INFO] Variable surface conditions because they either orbit a variable output star, (where energy levels fluctuate), or they exist in an extremely elongated orbit passing very close then falling away to an extreme distance from the star. Variable conditions can also be caused by some other effect, either natural or artificial. The result is an extremely harsh world where temperatures rise and fall to extreme levels. Any life existing on such a world would have to be extremely adaptable to rapid climate changes.

[CLASS_R_INFO] Class R, or rogue planets, do not orbit stars. Instead, they float in the cold darkness of space. They most likely normally formed within a solar system but have been flung deep into space usually caused by the collision with another planetary body. The surface of a rogue planet would usually be barren, but some might be temperate due to geothermal venting with atmospheres filled with volcanic gases. Life would be rare, but some may have unusual life that gather near volcanic regions.

[CLASS_S_INFO] Super Gas Giants or brown dwarfs. Their diameters range in size from 50 to 100 thousand km. They radiate considerable heat and generate enormous amounts of gravity, often harboring hundreds or even thousands of moons. In most cases, these moons would be subject to considerable tidal forces and gravitational effects caused by their parent planet.

[CLASS_T_INFO] "Near star" planets are Super Gas Giants or brown dwarfs with diameters from 100 to 200 thousand km. Any larger and they would be classified as stars. They radiate considerable heat and generate enormous amounts of gravity, often harboring hundreds or even thousands of moons. In most cases, these moons would be subject to considerable tidal forces and gravitational effects caused by their parent planet.

[CLASS_Y_INFO] Classes Y is reserved for strange planets referred to as "Demon" worlds where surface conditions do not fall into any other recognized category. Such worlds are usually hostile and lethal to humanoid life. If life develops on these worlds they usually take on many bizarre forms, like living crystal or rock, liquid or gaseous physical states, non-corporeal or dimensional states or be energy-based.

[CLASS_A_TYPE] Geothermal

[CLASS_B_TYPE] Geomorteus

[CLASS_C_TYPE] Geoinactive

[CLASS_E_TYPE] Geoplastic

[CLASS_F_TYPE] Geometallic

[CLASS_G_TYPE] Geocrystalline


[CLASS_I_TYPE] Gas Supergiant

[CLASS_J_TYPE] Gas Giant

[CLASS_K_TYPE] Adaptable

[CLASS_L_TYPE] Marginal

[CLASS_M_TYPE] Terrestrial

[CLASS_N_TYPE] Reducing

[CLASS_O_TYPE] Pelagic

[CLASS_P_TYPE] Glaciated

[CLASS_Q_TYPE] variable


[CLASS_S_TYPE] Gas Ultragiant

[CLASS_T_TYPE] Near Star

[CLASS_Y_TYPE] demon
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
Beiträge: 3561
Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Planet's base resources and a function of planetary class/type.
Titan Titan.jpg (occurs in about 96% of habitable systems)
Der Dateianhang Titan.jpg existiert nicht mehr.
Deuterium Deuterium.jpg (occurs in about 84% of habitable systems)
Der Dateianhang Deuterium.jpg existiert nicht mehr.
Duranium Duranium.jpg (occurs in about 85% of habitable systems)
Der Dateianhang Duranium.jpg existiert nicht mehr.
Crystal Kristall.jpg (occurs in about 76% of habitable systems)
Der Dateianhang Kristall.jpg existiert nicht mehr.
Iridium Iridium.jpg (occurs in about 74% of habitable systems)
Der Dateianhang Iridium.jpg existiert nicht mehr.
Deritium Deritium.jpg
Titan.jpg (1.11 KiB) 7332 mal betrachtet
See the wiki to see the icons. ... Ressourcen
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
Beiträge: 3561
Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

You want to establish trade to earn credits and slowly get the alien beings to join your empire rather than fight weak aliens. Save most combat for the major races.

Click on each planet in that system. What resource icons show up. If they have crystal, then early on they don't need it as it is not required and they have little money. Deuterium is needed later and is inexpensive. Titanium Is required right away.

Let the minor races build infrastructure so you don't have to later when you either subjugate them or absorb them. The Klingons were poorly received but managed to establish diplomatic relations without much effort. Few want membership, but many want trade. It's a place to start like asking out someone on a date for coffee versus a meal and a concert.

Once trade is established, relations thaw and slowly improve. Terraforming their system planets helps but at first you need to establish colonies. Depending on a rough starting location with a few hostile minor races, then while they won't invade, you might run into a fleet like the Xiborg and be crushed.

Not every alien is suited to be included in your empire.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
Beiträge: 3561
Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin » ... lforschung
The thing you most want to happen is to learn all research at the same level (say three for example). And when that is accomplished, then there is a chance that special research will be unlocked. You are given three choices and you pick the one that is most likely to help you, and it's not straight forward. What looks the least likely to benefit you may actually save you more money, or be better regarding combat, or whatever. If you fail to select one, you blew it and it won't be gained.

Hopefully at some point you learn all 14 levels of every tech PLUS learn all special tech...but I don't think so.

What is unclear is what tech is assigned in turn #1 at the onset. To set eras of play, if you don't want to start at the begining in 2121 AD, the hopefully there is a datafile where you can vary the accumulated techlevels ie it's 2300 and so each major races has learned far more tech.
Because you can preset the troops, ships, buildings, etc in the first turn. That is essential to modding.

For BotE game mechanics, the player's long distance red range is of utmost importance and of course the green is frustrating at first, and then yellow. This limits what you can colonize. The scouts can survey along the red boundary, but for the longest time (300+ turns), you are colonizing up to the yellow border.

So any tech that extends your range and anything like a space dock which expands your range, it vital to the game. As that attribute ultimately creates the borderlands of your empire ie the frontier. And similarly every other major race has theirs as well. And that is how conflict is created. The opponent challenges your frontier and you challenge theirs.

You could technically push forward and enhance it in a straight line, but never defend it well. You would get strung out logistically.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
Beiträge: 3561
Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Inside the building data file, there is a section relating to the original class of the planet prior to terraforming. This means that some buildings can only be made on certain class of planets. For example, some of the energy generating buildings are this way.

Very interesting buildings can therefore be made with planets say that were originally like the arctic or aquatic. Hopefully some artistic people can make some graphics for future buildings or ships or troops. Then maybe some unique invasions would take place relating to aquatic combat or arctic combat. You would generate them at those planet class specific buildings, and send your troop transport there to pick them up, then deploy them.

Or maybe building a special building makes them available on any similar planet class in another system.

This way there are alternative invasion tactics.
Zuletzt geändert von UesugiKenshin am Montag 13. April 2020, 22:09, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
Beiträge: 3561
Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Research database and terraforming

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin » ...

Line 24 bis 43 zeigt die Planettypen, auf denen das Gebäude baubar ist bzw. nicht
Line 24: A planettype
Line 25: B planettype
Line 26: C planettype
Line 27: E planettype
Line 28: F planettype
Line 29: G planettype
Line 30: H planettype
Line 31: I planettype
Line 32: J planettype
Line 33: K planettype
Line 34: L planettype
Line 35: M planettype
Line 36: N planettype
Line 37: O planettype
Line 38: P planettype
Line 39: Q planettype
Line 40: R planettype
Line 41: S planettype
Line 42: T planettype
Line 43: Y planettype

Every unique planet type could have a specific unique building that then achieves some special troops or does something quirky or amusing or benefits the economy,.or accelerates research, etc. You could have some better resource generation on that planet like a supermine for crystals. Or a powerhouse of excess energy that taps into volcanic activity.

But I am no artist and we shouldn't borrow from the work of others but generate new art and such buildings, ships, or troops need new art.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.

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